United States Hydrogen Alliance Webinars

Addressing the Hydrogen Challenge: Technology Selection and Integration
Did you know that half of the hydrogen compressors on the market have failed due to technology design? In this insightful webinar, we will introduce new technology and review how it can be packaged together to optimize hydrogen projects. From generation and compression to storage and refueling, we will review how specific components like reciprocators, diaphragms and boosters can be engineered for successful hydrogen project execution.

Introducing FTcase - Your Solution to Safe, Easy, Flexible Hydrogen Fueling
View our previous webinar where Zero Emission Industries (ZEI) introduced the FTcase, a revolutionary solution for safe, simple, and reliable hydrogen fueling infrastructure.

Overview of Clean Energy
This webinar will provide an overview of tax incentives and grant programs within the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). These two laws contain hundreds of billions of new dollars for clean energy development and deployment. The discussion will include strategies on how best to utilize these programs to realize up to 50% and in some cases even 70% tax credits for certain projects and, when paired with new and existing grant programs, potentially shorten project payback timelines to months, rather than years.

Specific Strategies Related to Hydrogen
This webinar will provide an overview of hydrogen-specific tax incentives and grant programs within the Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. This will include the Clean Hydrogen Production Credit, Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit, DOE Hydrogen Hubs and more. The presentation will also cover best practices and strategies to maximize the billions of dollars newly available for the hydrogen industry and to build robust commercial hydrogen markets under the BIL and IRA.

Alternative Fuel
This webinar will provide an overview of tax incentives and available grant dollars for alternative fuels and associated technologies. The presentation will cover strategies for developing and revamping commercial fleets that run on alternative fuels, as well as incentives and grants aimed at building out America’s alternative fueling infrastructure.

Incentives for Tribal Energy Projects
This webinar will provide an overview of tax incentives and available grant programs, including hundreds of billions of dollars unlocked by the IRA, BIL and other programs available to tribal nations. Utilizing newly created key IRA provisions, and combined with existing and expanded federal programs and tribal regulatory authority, tribes and business entities who work directly with tribes can implement very cost-effective clean energy projects.

Opportunities for State and Local Governments
This webinar will provide an overview of tax incentives and available grant programs for clean energy projects specifically tailored to state and local governments. New and expanded grant programs, significantly increased tax incentives, and a new unprecedented “Direct Pay” option now allow states and local governments to pursue clean energy projects in a very cost-effective way. This program will include strategies on how businesses and local governments can work together to take advantage of the hundreds of billions of dollars available through the IRA and BIL.

Opportunities for Local and Public Infrastructure
The BIL and IRA created new federal programs, and expanded existing programs, that provide billions of dollars aimed at an overhaul of America’s transportation infrastructure. This webinar will provide an overview of tax incentives and grant programs related to public transportation infrastructure, including ports and airports.